USA Today
6/20/2012 9:25 AM ET
News outlets hype fears of chemical often found in food items, while lefty eco-, PR groups call for ban.
4/10/2012 9:50 PM ET
The latest doozy of a study tries to spread “science” on the notion that
“homophobia” is just the conservative’s resistance to his own repressed homosexuality.
11/2/2007 4:08 PM ET
Other programming with include green soap opera wedding, lame cheerleading, eco-karaoke and Al Gore.
10/23/2007 5:34 PM ET
Newspapers showcase Rep. Barney Frank's plan to further 'control' the industry, virtually ignore criticism and opposition.
8/1/2007 2:15 PM ET
CNN 'American Morning' business reporter claims 'no mathematician' could figure it out, though he has in the past.
7/31/2007 11:56 AM ET
'Evening News' greets lower gasoline prices with skepticism
7/26/2007 4:15 PM ET
Media take obesity study seriously, worry that extra pounds are 'spreading' 'like a virus.'
7/11/2007 5:21 PM ET
Newspaper cites radical food groups, but downplays cost and trade implications.
6/6/2007 4:26 PM ET
Story downplays advantages of limited-benefits insurance, relies on critics by 2:1.
5/30/2007 4:16 PM ET
USA Today reports the decline, but networks are lagging behind.