
For Media, 2008 Was Year of Hollywood Values

Celebrity breakdowns and comebacks, love triangles and teen pregnancy were the most covered entertainment stories.

Dear USA Today: Companies Are Not 'Big Brother'

Economic competition 'discovers' what consumers like better than media or politicians.

Journalists Credit Obama for Stock Gains, Ignore Losses

News media apply double standard to president-elect's influence on market fluctuations.

The Enduring Culture War

Some pundits claim the political battles over moral values are effectively at an end. They're kidding themselves.

Balance Too Taxing for Mainstream Media

When they need tax information, America's top news sources often turn left.

And the Winner Is ... Anyone but the Media

Journalists refuse to believe any link between industry collapse, liberal bias.

USA Today Plays Up 'Gloomy' Attitudes with Depression Comparison

Newspaper reports poll showing 33 percent say U.S. economy is in Depression.

Networks Help Obama Bridge Gap on Earmarks

Journalists race to 'check' Palin claims, ignore Democrats' billion dollars in earmarks.

The Nanny State Diaries

Nine of the most business-hurting, freedom-hating and logic-bending regulations and bans on the books - and how the media love them.

No Increased Risk of Divorce, so Living Together Must Be Okay

USA Today fails to look at other ways cohabitation damages people and relationships.
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