
Media Research Center

Variety Editor Laughably Claims Hollywood 'Likes to Avoid Politics'

On Monday's Today, while discussing celebrities at Sunday's Golden Globes expressing solidarity with the French following a series of terrorist attacks, Variety magazine senior editor Ramin ...
Media Research Center

Reporter Wonders if Matt Damon’s Anti-Fracking Film Will Have Any Effect in Texas

Reporter from Soros-funded NPR StateImpact confuses fact and Hollywood fiction.

NBC's Naked Ambitions

A pilot "likely" be a fall series on NBC glamorizes the Playboy Club in Chicago in the Sixties - complete with actors being required by contract to be naked for NBC.

Bella and the Pro-Life Film Trend

Movie critics will probably hate Bella, since it doesn't even have oodles of sex and profanity in it to keep them entertained. Variety already booed: Manipulative pic trades in fairy-tale views of ...

Media Dislike Pro-Life Messages in Mainstream Movies

Why is it when Hollywood decides to address the subject of complicated pregnancies, the liberal media have to carp if the directors opt not to promote abortion?
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