Frank Bajak of the AP lionized Venezuelan autocrat and "fighter" Hugo Chavez minutes after his death on Tuesday, playing up in the second sentence of his item how the "former paratroop commander ...
In Caracas reporting on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez winning an
"unprecedented third term" for Monday's NBC Today, reporter Kerry
Sanders seemed to be swept up in the excitement: "For ...
Is recent Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, who was
freely elected over and over to the U.S. House of Representatives and
then elevated by his peers there to the speakership, ...
Oliver Stone so adores Hugo Chavez he can't see the obvious: he couldn't make his crude president-bashing films in Hugo's Venezuela. Why doesn't Hollywood recognize the liberty America grants them?
Liberal director Oliver Stone revealed his anti-American bent on Monday's Good Morning America, praising the rise of mainly left-wing leaders across South America and even went so far to support ...
A Times text box lauds Venezuelan President Chavez's "resilience" in winning a referendum ending term limits - but what of the strong-armed intimidation tactics leading up to the vote?