
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell on Arizona Bill: 'States Cannot Take These Kinds of Actions and Expect to Do it With Impunity'

Talking to Democratic Senator Patty Murray during her noontime MSNBC show on Thursday, host Andrea Mitchell gloated over Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoing a proposed religious freedom law in ...
Media Research Center

Networks Tout 'Cheering Protesters' Celebrating Veto of 'Anti-Gay' Arizona Bill

After spending days denouncing a religious freedom bill in Arizona as "anti-gay," all three network morning shows on Thursday hailed protester celebrations following Governor Jan Brewer ...

Econ 101: Old MacDonald Had a Subsidy

Veto-proof farm bill shows the power of politics to take and redistribute our money.

GOP Candidates Courting "Political Risk of Appearing in Lock Step" with Bush on Health Veto

Patrick Healy sets up the GOP's presidential candidates for a backlash.

When the Story's Got Children, Who Needs Facts?

Media coverage of State Children's Health Insurance Program expansion heavy on liberal talking points, light on its unattractive reality.

CNN Team Shocked, Appalled that Bush Would Veto Anything about the Children

CNN political analyst gives emotional opinions, omits White House position that $35-billion spending increase 'goes too far toward federalizing health care.'

Bush vs. Science?

Media showcase critics of President's stem cell veto, ignore supporting scientists.
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