In a fawning report on Tuesday's NBC Today, national
investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff touted the exploits of two
left-wing activists who stole a thousand FBI documents in 1971 and ...
Times political writer John Harwood may have gotten more than he bargained for in an appearance on Joe Scarborough's MSNBC show Morning Joe when he tried to defend Connecticut Attorney General ...
In the "Busted" segment at the end of Friday's The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan went after the New York Times for "accusing" Connecticut Attorney General and Democratic Senate ...
Reporter Peter Baker: "President Obama had not even taken office before supporters were etching his likeness onto Mount Rushmore as another Abraham Lincoln or the second coming of Franklin D. ...
Reporter Kate Zernike, the Times most ardent John Kerry defender, finds another front from which to launch attacks on the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.