Over the course of two programs, ABC on Tuesday devoted 38 fawning minutes of time to Michelle Obama and her new book, American Grown. Good Morning America's Robin Roberts, who admitted getting ...
On Thursday's Kathy show on Bravo!, host and left-wing comedienne Kathy Griffin called Elisabeth Hasselbeck by two vulgar words after playing a clip of the right-leaning co-host of ABC's The View ...
The shrill, extremist comments coming from the co-hosts on The View continued, Thursday. Liberal comedienne Joy Behar trashed Virginia for passing abortion restrictions, saying the new law makes ...
The liberal women on The View, Wednesday, shrieked at the "totalitarian" decision by a Texas judge
to uphold a law requiring women to look at an ultrasound before having
an abortion.
Wednesday, June 8, marks Meredith Vieira’s last day as co-host of NBC’s Today. Since joining the broadcast in September 2006, Vieira has brought staunch liberal advocacy to the morning news ...