Wall Street Journal

Media Research Center

188 Drought Stories, Not a Drop of Concern for Environmentalist Role

Networks focus on drought and its impact, but ignore environmental regulations complicating crisis.
Media Research Center

4 Of 5 Top Papers Call For Federal Gas Tax Hike

National papers say it is ‘perfect’ time and an ‘obvious’ move to raise the gas tax, even as lower gas prices ‘stimulate economy.’
Media Research Center

WSJ’s Jason Riley Tears Into Obama, Sharpton on Race Relations; ‘No Interest in Being Post-Racial’

On the most recent edition of Fox News Sunday, Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley blasted President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and activist/MSNBC host Al Sharpton for having “a ...
Media Research Center

Over 300,000 Face Deadline to Prove Eligibility for ObamaCare Subsidies; Nets Omit

Tuesday marked the deadline for hundreds of thousands Americans with insurance through ObamaCare to provide proper verification of their income levels or risk losing their government subsidies ...
Media Research Center

NBC Ignores Own Poll Showing 54 Percent of Americans Disapprove of Obama Job Performance

On Tuesday, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that President Obama’s popularity reached its lowest point since first taking office in 2009. Overall, 54 percent of Americans ...
Media Research Center

CBS Tries To Spin ‘Nasty’ GDP Data; ABC, NBC Ignore -2.9 Percent Drop

Despite dramatic economic downgrade, ‘Evening News’ gives little more than a minute to GDP.
Media Research Center

NBC/WSJ Poll: 54 Percent Say Obama 'Can't Lead, Get the Job Done'; Nightly News Skips Damning Stat

Fifty-four percent of respondents in a brand new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll believe that President Obama "can't lead, get the job done," contrasted with 42 percent who say he can. What's ...
Media Research Center

Nets Refuse to Report Latest ObamaCare Fail: Two-Thirds of Small Business Employees to See Premiums Spike

Thanks to ObamaCare, about two-thirds of Americans who work at small businesses will see a spike in their health insurance premiums. Reaction at ABC, CBS and NBC to this devastating news for ...
Media Research Center

CBS Notices 'Another Problem' With ObamaCare – Higher Deductibles; ABC, NBC Omit

Norah O'Donnell's 20-second news brief on Monday's CBS This Morning is the sole Big Three network mention so far of the Wall Street Journal's Sunday report about a "troubling element" of ObamaCare ...
Media Research Center

Vapid ABC Hypes Justin Bieber, Skips Thousands of Doctors Dropped in Wake of ObamaCare

The hosts of the increasingly superficial Good Morning America on Monday hyped the latest episode of Dancing With the Stars, the newest Justin Bieber movie and previewed Vince Vaughan's film, a ...
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