
CBS's Smith: Why Not Limit Compensation In All Companies?

Discussing Obama administration efforts to limit executive pay in companies that took TARP funds, on Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked Congressional Oversight Panel Chair ...

'Mad Money' Cramer: 'Demonize' Unhealthy Foods to 'Embarrass People' to Lower Health Costs

Financial advice host advocates using publicity tactics similar to what was used against the tobacco business to influence behavior.

'Today' Slams Citi for Trying to Switch from Bonuses to Salary Hikes

NBC uses 'greed' clip from well-known anti-'Wall Street' film, unemployed Michigan woman to criticize banks return to profitability.

Economics Reporter Pleased With Discrediting of Capitalism

Marxist-influenced economics reporter Peter Goodman describes China as home "to 13 billion fingers waiting to be licked in the thrall of KFC chicken."

Wall Street Bets Obama Will Fire Bank CEOs Next Says CNBC Reporter

Network's NYSE floor staffer Bob Pisani: 'Several' bank executives are to be pushed out next.

'Daily Show' Host Stewart Blasts CNBC as 'Disingenuous at Best and Criminal at Worst'

'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer apologizes for not doing a better job as comedy's 'snake oil salesman' takes him to task for his coverage.

Barney Frank Seeks Prosecutions for Those Involved in Downturn

House Financial Services Committee chairman to push for civil, criminal statutes to make bad practices illegal, but avoids addressing his own role in downturn.

New CEO Obama Shows How Tough It Is to Run a Company

President would find Wall Street tougher than Main Street or the media.

Final Deadline Looms for U.S.A.'s Newspapers

Journalists killed the news business and now some want us to save it.

Maddow Frustrated by Lower Goldman Sachs Tax Rate, Despite Losses

MSNBC host accuses investment bank of hiding money offshore to get 1 percent tax rate.
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