
Media Research Center

Enlisted Love-Interests: Hippos and Oxpeckers

Quick, witty banter provides plenty of laughs while developing the relationships of the shows primary characters.
Sgt Pete's youngest brother Randy tries to get Pete to bunk with him and Derrick

Character Development

The third episode of develops each of its characters in this comedy while introducing a deep issue.
Media Research Center

Comedy in War?

"Enlisted," a new military comedy on FOX, discovers laughs among the troops. But is it too soon to be poking fun at a situation that is still a daily reality for many?

Recent Veterans Most Supportive of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars; Networks Tout Anti-War Sentiment

A new Pew Research Center poll of military veterans found those serving after 9/11 were significantly more supportive of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than either the general public or veterans ...

Nets Concerned Over Congress' Role In Run-Up to Iraq, Now Barely Notice Obama's End-Run

The Obama administration attacked Libya after a vote of the UN Security Council, but without any congressional authorization, and apparently not even very much consultation with congressional ...

Sappy Ann Curry: I Wish All Weapons Were Inflatable Toys

The frequently-maudlin Ann Curry outdid herself on Wednesday's Today show. Narrating a short video item about Russia unveiling a new set of inflatable weapons designed to fool spy satellites, ...

As Obama Affirms End to Combat in Iraq, Only ABC Credits Troop Surge that Obama Opposed

All three broadcast evening newscasts on Monday ran full reports on President Obama's declaration that all combat troops would leave Iraq by the end of this month. But only ABC's World News ...

Muddledness at the Top

Our current crises demand clarity. This administration offers none.

War in Iraq Low on Obama's Agenda; Compliant Media Move On, Too

"Despite persistent violence and a critical election coming up, President Obama hardly ever mentions the war in Iraq," Joseph Curl reports in Thursday's Washington Times. Curl discloses that "the ...

On MSNBC, HuffPo Reporter Backs Biden Claim Iraq Will Be Obama's 'Great Achievement'

Appearing during the 2pm ET hour of MSNBC Live on February 11, Huffington Post political reporter Ryan Grim not only agreed with Joe Biden that Iraq may be a 'great achievement' for President ...
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