
Washington Post: Capitalism a 'Casualty' of Financial Crisis

Writer's 'analysis' blames free markets for current woes, leaves out economists who disagree.

Still Screwing Up America

Abortion zealot Linda Hirshman has vindicated Bernie Goldberg's choice to include her in his book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America.

Eco-Activist: Children Amplify Emotional Effect of Alarmist Claims

Former New York Times environmental reporter criticizes market system, lack of government heavy handedness in new book: 'Poisoned Profits.'

Networks Help Obama Bridge Gap on Earmarks

Journalists race to 'check' Palin claims, ignore Democrats' billion dollars in earmarks.

Profane Palin Hate, Unfit for Publication? WaPo 'Washes In Most Happily'

Please remember episodes like this when the Left (and its subset, The Washington Post) stands up and says that hate speech from the right is a terrible problem.

Music and All That's Left (Wing) Embrace Warming Pop-Aganda

'Hannah Montana' star Miley Cyrus shows eco'brain washing starts at young age.

Post Reporter: Romney's Free Trade Principles a 'Vulnerability'

Washington Post reporter says Mitt Romney's free trade history could hurt him should he become nominee.

About-Face: Media Outlets Turn on 'Cancer Vaccine' Maker

Two years after broadcast networks, newspapers heralded Gardasil 'breakthrough,' Merck under attack for marketing its product.

NBC to 'Gay' Journalists: 'Your Victories Are Our Victories'

The news media loudly proclaimed its support for the homosexual activist agenda at the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention in Washington, D.C.

Nets Not Showing Embarrassing DNC Convention Events

No cameras have shown Trojan handing out condoms to Democratic delegates – or the prolife demonstration in Denver.
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