
Are Evangelicals Really Becoming Environmentalists?

Wishful thinking from The Washington Post.

Big Media Ignore the Devils in the SCHIP Bill's Details

The House version of the children's 'health' bill attacks abstinence education and promotes abortion.

Big Media Ignores Pew Poll's Good News in War on Terror

Support for bin Laden and suicide bombings is waning in the Muslim world, but the mainstream media fail to tell the story.

Where's the Abortion?

Washington Post film critic alleges 'moral hypocrisy' in pro-life message.

Don't Use the 'A' Word

Media tout condom use, ignore increase in abstinence to explain record low teen birth rate.

Do The Media Think We're All Bigots?

Nets, press depict immigration bill opponents as conservative racists stirred up by talk radio.

Washington Post Trades on Kids' Fears to Sell Pro-Immigration Views

Story emphasizes emotion and downplays or ignores the central issues of lawbreaking and border security.

Bashing Clarence Thomas

The Times' lead book review on the Supreme Court justice: "there is now little doubt that he lied repeatedly during his confirmation hearings - not only about his pornophilia and bawdy humor but, ...

Role Models for Girls: Choice of Two, Take Your Pick

The Olympic athlete/Playboy model, or the squeaky clean teen movie star?

Networks Dance Around Political, Ideological Motives for Blocking Pace Renomination

Liberals got Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman booted for 'homophobia' and backing Libby, not just differences about the Iraq war.
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