Welfare Reform

Media Research Center

GAO Says Obama Admin Evaded Law on Welfare Waivers; CNN, CBS, ABC All Ignore

Earlier this week, the GAO said the Obama administration evaded the law by waiving welfare requirements, but CNN failed to mention the report. Neither CBS nor ABC reported it as well. According to ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Fact-Checker Supreme Michael Cooper: 'Romney Campaign Appears To Be More Dishonest'

The New York Times' "fact-checking" reporter Michael Cooper laments that his colleague's "verdicts that a campaign has crossed the line are often drowned out by dissent from its supporters, ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Fact-Checker Supreme Michael Cooper: 'Romney Campaign Appears To Be More Dishonest'

The New York Times' "fact-checking" reporter Michael Cooper laments that his colleague's "verdicts that a campaign has crossed the line are often drowned out by dissent from its supporters, who ...
Media Research Center

NYT Hits Romney's 'False Claims' of Obama Eliminating Work Requirements for Welfare -- But He's Right

New York Times reporters Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg go to bat for Obama on Sunday's front page against Romney's false racially tinged attacks: "The Romney campaign is airing an advertisement ...

Another New York Times Reporter Comes to Obama's Defense on His Weakening of Welfare Reform

The Times again covers Obama's left-flank, this time on his weakening of welfare reform: "Mr. Clinton could help blunt what Obama campaign officials say is a calculated effort by Mr. Romney to ...
Media Research Center

Obama Guts Welfare Reform, But CNN Wields Liberal Talking Points to Say Otherwise

CNN relied on liberal analysis and Democratic talking points to dismantle a new Romney campaign claim about Obama gutting welfare reform. On Wednesday morning the network twice cited PolitiFact ...
Media Research Center

Trip Gabriel Rides to Defense of Obama on Relaxing Welfare Rules, Calls Conservative Charges 'a Stretch'

Times reporter Trip Gabriel rides to the defense of the Obama administration: "The speech was part of a coordinated assault with the Republican National Committee, which sounded the theme in a ...

Obama Weakens Welfare Reform -- New York Times Spins It As Fighting Bureaucracy

Giving the Obama administration the benefit of the doubt, Times reporter Rebecca Berg paints Obama's weakening of work requirements for welfare as merely allowing "states more latitude in running ...
Media Research Center

Really? NYT's Jason DeParle Admits Welfare-Deprived Women Who Mug Immigrants Can 'Seem Unsympathetic'

NYT welfare reporter Jason DeParle: "I can't remember a time when I heard people talk so openly about desperate or even illegal things that they were doing in order to make ends meet. They ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Reporter Jason DeParle Thinks His 'Apocalyptic Warnings' on Welfare Reform Now Vindicated

New York Times welfare reporter Jason DeParle clearly considers his previous doomsaying reporting on welfare reform vindicated in his latest 2,700-word lead story on Sunday, "Welfare Limits ...
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