Just seconds after donating a fawning interview to Barack Obama about the meaning of being a father, the journalists at Good Morning America on Friday provided White House spin with a look at the ...
According to Good Morning America reporter Jake Tapper, a rapper who called for the burning of George W. Bush "is not particularly controversial." The artist, known as Common, has repeatedly ...
Although a government shutdown hasn't occurred yet, ABC's Good Morning America has already begun showcasing the possible dire impacts of such a budget impasse. Reporter Jake Tapper highlighted ...
Tuesday's CBS Early Show featured a fawning story on President Obama's Race to the Top Commencement Challenge that sounded like it was written by the White House communications department. What ...
The three nightly news broadcasts on Monday touted Barack Obama's new spending as "investments," highlighted victims of the White House's cuts and ignored key facts about the President's 2012 budget.
Former dean of the White House press corps Helen Thomas delivered some candid remarks Monday on CNN's Situation Room. "I could call President Obama anything in the book, and no one would say ...
Jeremy Peters celebrates Obama confidante and former White House social secretary Desiree Rogers and barely mentions why she was forced out: "During her 15-month stay in Washington, Ms. Rogers ...
On Thursday's World News, ABC ran as a "news" item an excerpt from a White House-produced video of President Obama taking a phone call from a cancer patient who, Sawyer informed viewers "is now ...
CNN's Rick Sanchez again hinted that Fox News wasn't a legitimate news organization during his Rick's List program on Monday. When colleague Ed Henry mentioned that several news outlets were ...