On Monday's noontime EDT This Hour, CNN's Michaela Pereira acted as an apologist for the student and/or faculty-led protests in recent weeks that forced out several high-profile speakers from ...
CNN harped on the controversy over Fox News head Roger Ailes calling
President Obama "lazy" and Vice President Biden "dumb as an ashtray."
The network covered it on five shows on Wednesday and ...
CNN's Don Lemon didn't show a hint of journalistic integrity on Sunday's Newsroom as he ripped into conservative guest Will Cain and lectured him on the offensiveness of Mitt Romney's ...
When a news anchor's Obama-friendly question is slapped down by even a
liberal columnist, it's noteworthy. CNN's Carol Costello wondered if Libya
should even be a campaign issue, but both her ...
Hosting the chair of the DNC on Tuesday's Starting Point, CNN's Soledad
O'Brien could have grilled her about any number of relevant issues like
gas prices, the GSA scandal, or President Obama ...
CNN's senior legal analyst charged on Thursday's Starting Point that "some
of these Republican judges are just deranged by hatred of the
President." Jeffrey Toobin was railing against the ...
Once again, CNN hosted former Obama "green jobs" czar Van Jones, giving
him plenty of air-time to tout his new book and defend himself against
accusations from conservatives. Unsurprisingly, ...