
Reporter Looks Fondly on Post-War Austerity Compared to 'Newest Altars to Consumption and Greed.'

Alan Cowell: "As the riots in London and elsewhere in August seemed to show, the profound gulf between haves and have-nots has been magnified by the inequalities and envies of a society that has ...

CBS's Schieffer: Obama Facing Most Challenges Since WWII

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer about all the problems facing President Obama: "it was Afghanistan, now it's you ...

Times Marks V-J Day By Dwelling Darkly on Veteran's PTSD

World War II Navy veteran Albert Perdeck asked the New York Times to remember V-J Day this year. The paper obliged by writing a story dwelling heavily on Perdeck's struggles with post traumatic ...

CBS: Obama's 'Elegant Words' May Prevent 'Another D-Day'

On CBS's Sunday Morning, White House correspondent Chip Reid gave a glowing review of President Obama's overseas trip: "A trip laden with symbolism and elegant words, asking the world to look ...

More than 33,000 People Send Petition with 'Outrage' Over Time's Doctoring of Iwo Jima Photo

Media Research Center petition demands apology from magazine for 'offensive cover demeaning World War II vets.'

Enola Gay Commander Dies - Times Cited Anti-War "Controversy"

The commander of the Enola Gay died, and the obituary writer for Paul Tibbets couldn't resist injecting historical revisionism, including criticism from a Communist newspaper in India.

Frank Rich's "Gestapo" Tactics

"Our humanity has been compromised by those who use Gestapo tactics in our war. The longer we stand idly by while they do so, the more we resemble those 'good Germans' who professed ignorance of ...

Ignoring FBI Informant Past of "Red Scare" "Hero" Dalton Trumbo

"...Hollywood still quarrels over the heroes and villains of its Red Scare."
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