CBS Evening News on Wednesday hyped the "early success" of a provision of ObamaCare which allows young adults under the age of 26 to stay on their parents' health care. Correspondent Wyatt Andrews ...
Friday night's CBS Evening News examined Rick Perry's record in Texas, citing his claims his policies led to job creation but then pivoting to how "Perry's bedrock pledge to never raise taxes also ...
In the guise of a status report on ObamaCare, Katie Couric derided GOP efforts to repeal it. She pleaded to give it a chance as she rationalized "the law is vulnerable because of the complex way ...
On Saturday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Wyatt Andrews previewed the Washington DC 'Rally to Restore Sanity And/Or Fear,' organized by comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert: "Almost all of ...
Wednesday's CBS Evening News, without Katie Couric, uniquely amongst the broadcast network evening newscasts tied Discovery Channel hostage-taker/bomber James Lee to Al Gore and, even more ...
In a sympathetic story devoid of critics on Tuesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Wyatt Andrews described Congressman Charles Rangel's rant over being charged with numerous ethics violations ...
West coast viewers got to see a July 4 CBS Evening News interim "report card" on Congress's performance so far. Under the headline of "unfinished business," correspondent Wyatt Andrews and his ...