There they go again. New York Times reporter Jackie Calmes said speakers at the Democratic convention "sought to counter a Republican convention theme, based on
an Obama quote taken out of ...
Michael Cooper, building a defense for President Obama against an effective GOP attack: "The Republican convention is playing a
recording of President Obama saying 'You didn't build that' -- but ...
The Times' Trip Gabriel accuses GOP of "misrepresentation" of Obama's infamous "You didn't build that" remark: "The
story vaulted from local news to the Drudge Report and conservative
blogs, ...
New York Times reporter Michael Shear defends Obama's notorious "You didn't build that" remark: "Last month, the outrage was directed at another Romney ad that
took a few lines from Mr. Obama ...
Times political reporter Peter Baker pleads for "proper context" against the "Internet-fueled distortions" of President Obama's politically damaging remark "if you’ve got a business, you didn't ...