
BusinessWeek Editor Calls $34 Billion for Autos a 'Rounding Error'

Jim Ellis promotes Big Three bailout on CNN's "Your $$$$$," says people need to start borrowing, spending again. Writer Calls Potential GM Bankruptcy 'A Suicidal Thing'

'Your $$$$$' considers the pros and cons of an auto bailout but ignores some causes of GM's near bankruptcy.

CNN Provides 'Election Edition' Exception to Media's Pro-Obama Coverage

'Your $$$$$' co-hosts go out of their way in attempt to balance air time for Democrat and Republican analysts.

CNN: Raising Minimum Wage Leads to Job Growth

Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez sparks controversy with 'Your $$$$$' hosts by suggesting that minimum wage hikes hurt businesses.

CNN: Obama's Tax Plan 'Robbing Peter and Giving to Paul'

'Your $$$$$' moderates debate over Bush tax cuts 'crashing failure' and Obama's redistributionist plan.

CNN: Treasury 'Nationalizing More than Vladimir Putin'

'Your $$$$$' favors government intervention; guest predicts need for up to $4.2 trillion government bailout.

Financial Analyst Warns Inaction Will Lead to 'Mass Starvation'

CNN bailout clash continues between Peter Schiff and Stephen Leeb over choice 'between freedom and socialism.'

'Your $$$$$' Squabble: Experts Argue over 'Socialist' Bailout

Peter Schiff blasts government for intervening in markets and argues against bailout while Stephen Leeb promotes Congressional plan.

Oops: CNN Contributor Gets Oil Estimate Wrong By 19 Billion Barrels

Writer Steve Hargreaves tells viewers exploration and drilling would have a 'negligible' difference because there are 'maybe a million barrels offshore.'

CNN: Suburbs the New Ghetto with Neighbors 'Firing' Crack Pipes

'Your $$$$$' team mentions blogger feedback about being too 'grim,' but spreads fear about foreclosure effect on suburbs.
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