Zoraida Sambolin

Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Scoffs at 'Binders' Frenzy, But Other CNN Reporters Jumped All Over It

Liberal CNN host Piers Morgan canned the Democratic "binders full of women" attack on Romney as "facile and silly," but CNN reporters hammered on it Wednesday night and well into Thursday. ...
Media Research Center

Less Than a Day After Shooting, CNN Affirms FRC's 'Hate Group' Label

Less than a day after a shooting at the Family Research Council, CNN dug up a 13 year-old FRC quote to support the "hate group" label by the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center. Early Start ...
Media Research Center

CNN Asks Andrew Young If Having Black President 'Reignites Old Prejudices'

CNN stoked fears that new voter ID laws might hearken back to the days of Jim Crow. Monday marked the anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, and CNN's Zoraida Sambolin used that to discuss ...
Media Research Center

CNN Questions Santorum's Appeal to Women Voters Given His 'Ultra-Conservative' Positions

CNN's Zoraida Sambolin questioned Rick Santorum's appeal with women voters nationwide as she targeted his "ultra-conservative" positions that "some women don't relate to," on Wednesday's Early ...
Media Research Center

Breitbart.com Editor Slams CNN for Mistreatment of Andrew Breitbart

Breitbart.com's editor-in-chief went right after CNN for its treatment of the late Andrew Breitbart, when asked about the "controversial" journalist's "tactics" in the Shirley Sherrod ...
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