
Housing Bust: Just Kidding!

Some reports finally call housing market shift 'good news for buyers' after years of predicting a bubbly catastrophe ... but others stick with seller-centric 'nightmare.'

Raul Castro: A Hard-Line Commie with a Soft Spot for Free Enterprise?

NBC's Andrea Mitchell calls fill-in dictator open to free enterprise, ignores rollback in reforms, reliance on Venezuelan oil

For the Times and Castro, Love at First Sight

The Times reminds us that the mainstream media's love affair with Communist dictator Fidel Castro started early

In Midst of Scorching Heat Wave, CBS Proclaims Global Warming Debate Over

Reporter relies on one climatologist who says pollution delayed global warming in '70s - but back then, scientists warned of catastrophic global cooling.

CBS News Blusters about Hypothetical Hurricane 'Crippling' U.S. Economy

Reporter Michelle Miller left out experts who disagree with pessimistic forecast and ignored strong economic recovery one year after Hurricane Katrina.

CBS's Storm Ignores Liberal Congressman's Call for 100-Percent Tax on Oil Profits

Reporter echoed Rep. Dennis Kucinich's rhetoric later in the interview.

ABC's Lisa Stark Pours Cold Milk on Advertising Trend

Reporter presents kid-friendly food sites as 'Wild West' in need of regulation.

ABC, NBC Spin Strong Housing Numbers Negatively

'Nightly News' anchor calls housing market a bubble but a real estate economist featured in the story forecasted cooling beginning the year.

CNN's Dobbs Insists Author of anti-Free Trade Book Is 'No Protectionist'

But Sen. Dorgan opposes fair competition from foreign ethanol that could lower U.S. gas prices.

NBC Repeats Incorrect Claim That Gas At 'All-Time High'

Lundberg Survey is three cents higher than AAA but below September high and inflation-adjusted record.
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