Your media bias laugh of the day: New York Times public
editor Margaret Sullivan claimed "you wouldn't know who" most Times
reporters voted for, on Wednesday's edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe." ...
Reporter Michael Gordon shows polite skepticism toward Secretary of State Clinton's testimony on Benghazi: "The continuing controversy over the attack, which resulted in
the deaths of Ambassador ...
"The crimson ideology" of the Kansas GOP? Times reporter John Eligon: "While Republican principles of small government and low taxes have holds
on large swaths of the country, Kansas provides ...
New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel led with the race issue in
a story of typical partisan politics in Virginia, in his (slightly
outdated) report on a controversial redistricting vote the ...
Eduardo Porter, business columnist for the New York Times,
previously covered economics as a reporter but now uses his perch to
display his mistrust of free markets in favor of government, ...
Former Times nightlife reporter Sarah Maslin Nir covered a modest anti-gun protest march over the Brooklyn Bridge and enthusiastically promoted it on her Twitter feed as she covered it, ...