
Front-Page Sniff: 'Educated' High-Income Voters Alienated by Tea Party, Still Like Obama

Educated people alienated by the Tea Party: "With growing cities and suburbs, they are populated by increasing numbers of educated and higher-income independents, young voters, Hispanics and ...

Soros-Funded Group Behind Course for Journalists That Downplays 'Jihad'

Program launched to teach press about Muslim sensitivities blames 'right-wing activists.'

Awful Unemployment Rate Left Out of More Than 3/4 of Job Stories

Network evening shows talk about employment woes, but rarely mention 9.1 percent figure.

Bronner Really Reaches to Bolster Obama's Pro-Israel Credentials

Today's big story: An online poll? "Moreover, the sense over the past two years that President Obama was growing angry with Israel and steering American policy away from its interests subsided ...

Puzzler: NJ Gov. Christie Not Really Bipartisan Because...A Democrat Called Him a Bully?

How did a political opponent's playground insults against Gov. Chris Christie translate into proof of Christie's nastiness, as opposed to the immaturity of the politician himself? "After a tough ...

Aww: London Rioters, Hurt By Cuts in Social Spending, 'Lacked Hope'

Nicholas Kulish: "Economics have been one driving force, with growing income inequality, high unemployment and recession-driven cuts in social spending breeding widespread malaise. Alienation runs ...

Landler Portrays Obama's Aggressive, Big-Spending Partisanship As 'Populist'

Landler lets Obama forward liberal mythology: "And [Obama] singled out Republican debate audiences for booing a gay soldier who had served in Iraq and for cheering the suggestion that a gravely ...

More Class From Krugman: Rep. Ryan's Medicare Plan 'Would Kill People, No Question'

Krugman: "To be a little melodramatic, the voucher would kill people, no question....The cuts in Medicare that he's proposing, the replacement of Medicare by a voucher system, would in the end ...

NYT Blames Conservative Victims for 'Diversity Bake Sale' Backlash, Threats on Left-Wing Campus

Encountering opposing views in college? Perish the thought! Under the headline, "A 'Diversity Bake Sale' Backfires on Campus," reporter Malia Wollan suggests an upcoming conservative protest would ...

No Liberals in Congress? So Suggests Steinhauer

Political reporter Jennifer Steinhauer continues to slant her ideological labeling, finding loads of conservatives in Congress but rarely identifying liberals.
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