
Calmes Ignores Hoffa's'Take These Son of a Bitches Out' Tea Party Attack at Obama Rally

Obama, still not to blame: "The president's Labor Day addresses trace the stubbornness of the crisis he inherited....a Democratic-controlled Congress had passed his two-year, $800 billion stimulus ...

Reporter Michael Shear Defends Social Security, Obama-Care Against Gov. Perry's Attacks

Reporter Michael Shear takes it upon himself to defend liberal programs: "When it comes to health care, Mr. Perry writes that President Obama's legislation on the subject was 'the closest this ...

With Job Growth at Zero, Calmes Still Insists Obama's 'Stimulus' Worked

Reporter Jackie Calmes, still cheerleading for Obama's "economic stimulus" plan: "Nonpartisan analysts and the Congressional Budget Office have credited the first stimulus package with helping to ...

Networks Ignore Religion Ban at Ground Zero Ceremony

ABC, CBS, NBC silent on NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg excluding religion at 9/11 memorial.

Incensed That Obama Speech Pushed Back One Day, NYT Whines Boehner Needs to 'Grow Up'

Speaker John Boehner politely suggesting that President Obama could be accommodated to give an address to a joint session of Congress a day later than the date he originally requested is ...

Historic! No New Jobs Added in August; First Time since 1945

CNBC's Rick Santelli guesses right net payroll figure, but unemployment rate remains steady at 9.1 percent.

NYT Film Critic Likes 'Old Fashioned Orgy,' Pans G-Rated 'Seven Days in Utopia'

In the September 2 "Weekend Arts" section, Times film critic Stephen Holden hailed an R-rated flick about friends hosting an orgy as a "friendly, ramshackle comedy" while panning a G-rated drama ...

Media Say Little about Policy Failures of Obama's New Top Economist

If confirmed, Princeton lefty will replace Austan Goolsbee as head of the Council of Economic Advisers.

Study Casts Further Doubt on Jefferson-Hemings Affair. Will Press Notice?

When DNA test pointed to Jefferson paternity, media called it 'old news.'

NYTimes Paints Speaker Boehner as Having Issued 'Unprecedented' Refusal of President's Request

The September 1 Times portrayed House Speaker John Boehner's request that President Obama delay his speech to Congress by a day as an "unprecedented" refusal of a presidential request and evidence ...
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