
Media Lauded Meghan McCain's 'Saucy' Memoir but Call Bristols Book 'Trailer Trash'

'Palin Derangement Syndrome' extends to daughter's book.

Filmmaker Hopes for 'Atheist Brokeback Mountain'

'The Ledge' latest, boldest movie to actively promote atheism.

Times Again Strikes at Conservative Fla. Gov. Rick Scott, 'Remote and Uncaring'

Yes, and they're called "liberal Democrats: "And many voters have blanched at a number of [Florida Gov. Rick Scott's] legislative accomplishments, particularly a new state budget that puts ...

Times Warns Obama Twice from the Left on Gay Marriage, Casually Flips the Race Card

Sheryl Gay Stolberg on Obama's hesitation to fully endorse gay marriage: "His critics say that by invoking states' rights, the president - a former constitutional law professor and son of a black ...

'Mad Money' Jim Cramer Blasts Times Reporter for Natural Gas 'Hit Pieces'

CNBC host and natural gas CEO criticize New York Times' Ian Urbina for series of attacks on the industry.

Another Season of Anti-Whaling Propaganda on Animal Planet

'Whale Wars' glorifies aggressive tactics of radical environmentalist Paul Watson, Sea Shepherds.

Eckholm's Omissions: 'Fetal Pain' Not a Problem, Says Unlabeled Abortion Activists

Eric Eckholm's slanted story on fetal pain has some important omissions; two of his sources for medical research are either abortion advocates or abortion providers. Previously Eckholm had called ...

Hulse Keeps Hyping Pro-Dem Spin in Debt Limit Fight: Merely Seeking 'Revenues,' Not 'Tax Hikes'

Hulse, hemming and hawing around the forbidden phrase "tax increase," claim that Democrats are merely seeking "new federal tax revenue."

Two Leftist Dictatorships 'Infused With Revolutionary Zeal' That 'Revere Their Leaders'

Reporter Simon Romero: "To the many comparisons that can been made between Venezuela and Cuba - two close allies, both infused with revolutionary zeal, driven by movements that revere their ...
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