
Republican Budget Cuts Threaten 'Life-Affirming' Public Radio Station in KY

The New York Times vs. any and all spending cuts: "But with the rise of the Tea Party and with anti-earmark, budget-cutting fervor gripping the nation's capital, little of that sentiment is being ...

Tavernise Pines for D.C. Voting Rights, Autonomy on Abortion and School Vouchers

Washington, D.C., a victim of Republican "tinkering": "But for this city, which raises $5 billion in tax revenue each year but does not have the final say over how to spend it, the compromise - ...

Adam Nagourney Rides to Defense of Harry Reid's 'Cowboy Poets'

Adam Nagourney: "That once-obscure gathering became a target in the budget battle a world away in Washington last week, employed by conservatives as a symbol of fiscal waste...setting off a ...

Matt Bai: 'Something Awesome' About Sitting Next to Liberal Titan Mario Cuomo

Matt Bai, chief political correspondent for the Times Magazine: "If you were a kid in the Northeast during the 1980s, as I was, there is something awesome - in the literal sense - about sitting ...

A Tale of Two Medicare Plans: Obama's Painless 'Savings' vs. the GOP's 'Shrinking'

In Jackie Calmes' telling, President Obama will find harmless "savings" in Medicare, while the GOP threatens to "shrink" the entitlement: "The Republican plan includes a shrinking of Medicare and ...

Obama the Pragmatic 'Centrist' and 'Level-Headed Referee' of the Budget Crisis

Reporter Jeff Zeleny claims Obama has shifted to the center after the 2010 Democratic wipeout. But previously Zeleny insisted Obama had always been a pragmatic centrist. If he suspected it was ...

NYT Goes Catty, Conspiratorial: GOP Party 'Elites' Huddling in K Street Offices to Nominate 'Dweeb' for 2012

Liberal journalist and confirmed Bush-hater Jonathan Chait sounds like an unsophisticated conspiracist in questioning why the GOP is sure to nominate a "dweeb" to run against Obama: "Meeting in ...

Shear Finds Tons of Conservatives, Almost No Liberals in Govt. Shutdown Debate

For Michael Shear, "vocal conservatives," "religious conservatives" abound in the Republican Party, but liberals are almost nowhere to be found among Democrats, even ones like Robert Reich and ...

J.CREW Pushes Transgendered Child Propaganda

Women's clothing company highlights pink nail-polish wearing boy in promotional email

James McKinley's 'News' Story on Texas Budget Cuts: 'It Was Not a Pretty Picture'

James McKinley Jr.'s "reporting" on the cost-cutting Texas budget sounded a lot like liberal opinion: "It is hard to overstate the budget-cutting furor that has gripped lawmakers in this capital, ...
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