
New DCCC Head an 'Unassuming Centrist' With 'Flashes of Major League Shrewdness'

Reporter David Halbfinger flatters Democratic Rep. Steve Israel as an "unassuming centrist" up to the task of winning back the House for the Democrats and lets Israel squeeze in some talking ...

Valerie Plame Cashes In With Spy-Novel Book Deal, Times Sees Only Victory for Feminism

It keeps getting harder to claim the whole sage of "outed" CIA agent Valerie Plame wasn't a bonanza of wealth and fame, but the Plame-loving Times is casting it as a blow for feminism. The female ...

Obama: Now a Hero in Brazil, Too

Obama, the savior of Latin America: "But Mr. Obama, on the second day of a five-day tour of Latin America, once again seemed to sidestep mentioning his own racial background in appearances here, ...

On Top of the Big Stories: 'Mr. Obama Knows His Hoops'

As missiles fall in Libya, Michael Shear reports on another kind of shooting prowess: "Being president is an ego trip. So you would have thought President Obama wouldn't need to add to his ...

New York Times Digital Firewall Goes Up March 28: Who Will Pay to Read the Times Online?

Jeremy Peters reports on his own paper: "No American news organization as large as The Times has tried to put its content behind a pay wall after allowing unrestricted access. The move is being ...

GOP Fight to Cut NPR a Mere 'Distraction' Over 'Trivial Amount of Money'

Michael Shear dismisses the NPR debate: "...the closer that Washington moves toward full-blown election season, the greater appetite both sides will have for small, symbolic issues that appeal to ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note: Radical Chic

The Times relaunches its Sunday magazine with a hagiographic profile of terrorist helper Lori Berenson in Peru. Plus Paul Krugman's persecution fantasies of Wisconsin, and why we won't miss ...

Liberal Frank Rich Finally 'Gets Sick of His Own Voice,' Quits NYT

In his farewell column, Frank Rich admitted the job can push you to have stronger opinions than you actually have, or contrived opinions about subjects you may not care deeply about, or to run ...

Networks Ignore Faith-Based Groups in Japan Disaster Aid Coverage

For five days following the earthquake and tsunami, networks focus solely on government relief efforts.

Jay Carney, 'Non-Partisan' Reporter Turned Obama WH Press Secretary? Not Really

Jeremy Peters praises Jay Carney, new White House press secretary and former Time magazine reporter: "Jay Carney has never been much of a partisan. His former colleagues at Time never knew which ...
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