
Media Research Center

Nets Filibuster for Wendy Davis

Forty-six stories with just two minor criticisms? It’s not the media’s fault she’s losing.
Media Research Center

Little Girls Drop F-Bombs to ‘Empower’ Feminism

Media call the ad ‘brilliant’ and ‘adorable.’
Media Research Center

One Week Later: Networks Still Ignore Houston Sermon Subpoena Scandal

ABC, CBS, NBC still disinterested in mayor’s attempt to infringe pastors’ rights.
Media Research Center

Washington Post: Tea Party Supporters Primarily Rich, White Racists

Blog post written by professor tied to liberal billionaire George Soros
Media Research Center

WaPo Columnist: ‘Sex Only for Rich People’ in America

Progressive feminists don’t fall far from the eugenics tree.
Media Research Center

Media Abortion Champion Wendy Davis Sells Baby Onesies

Campaign profits from babies – in more ways than one.
Media Research Center

NBC Reporter: Wasteful NIH Studies Still Worthwhile

Journalist defends $3.2 million study on drunken monkeys
Media Research Center

Houston Attacks Religious Freedom Of Pastors; Networks Unconcerned

ABC, CBS and NBC uncover male strippers movie and ‘Hunks and Hounds’ calendar, but not mayor’s anti-Christian jihad.
Media Research Center

Hey Journalists! 15 Ways NIH And CDC Wasted Taxpayer Money

Media complicit as agencies demand bigger budgets despite billions squandere.
Media Research Center

Pro-life Leaders Prefer Civil Disobedience to Obamacare’s ‘Blood Money’

Live Action hosts a news conference at Planned Parenthood.
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