
GOP "Nativists" & Racists Against Illegal Immigration

The Times reaches back to the "racist Willie Horton ads" to suggest many in the GOP are racist extremists on immigration. And did you know the NRA was "extremist" as well?

Cramer on Obama's Anti-Wall Street Comments: 'We Heard Lenin'

'Mad Money' host compares new president's attack on corporate profits to rhetoric from Russian communist.

ABC Gives Disgraced Pastor Platform to Bash Religious Right

'World News Sunday' features one-sided, anti-conservative segment with Ted Haggard

Barack Obama: Conservation for Thee, Not for Me

The Times misses Obama's thermostat hypocrisy.

BB&T CEO: 'Religious Belief' in Affordable Housing, 'Misregulation' Caused Financial Crisis

John Allison says government created problems, media penchant for bad news made situation worse.

No Context as Obama Heaps "Shame" on Banker Bonuses

Plus, a liberal sports columnist begs Bruce Springsteen to make a political statement during his halftime Superbowl concert: "...maybe we'll get lucky and there will be at least one bold moment ...

Coulter Points Out Double Standard for Liberal Media Pundits on Stimulus Bill

Best-selling author remarks on backlash to conservative opposition to bill; Calls Olbermann a '57-year-old woman trapped in a man's body.'

Obama Puff Pieces Let Some Embarrassing Truth Through

Meant to endear, Network coverage of Obama Whitehouse sometimes exposes hypocrisy, inconsistencies and extravagance.

Global Warming Event Leaving Las Vegas in the Dark

Environmental group, governments partner for latest 'Earth Hour' public relations stunt.

The Times Falls Hard for the Girls of "Dating a Banker Anonymous"

The Times devoted a fizzy profile to a "support group" dedicated to women whose "monthly Bergdorf's allowance has been halved and bottle service has all but disappeared" from their lives. But did ...
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