
Did McCain Call for Tougher Regulation of Fannie and Freddie? Yes, But...

Grudging acknowledgement that John McCain called for more regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: "Senator John McCain is correct: He warned two years ago that Congress should rein in Fannie Mae ...

Stephanopoulos Wonders: Did McCain Blow Up Bailout for Credit?

Media join Democrats to question GOP nominee's motives in suspending campaign to focus on financial issues.

Discovering the Sarah Palin Rape-Kit "Scandal'

A Times editor arrives two weeks later to a left-wing rumor: "When Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the small town began billing sexual-assault victims for the cost of rape kits and ...

Lauer Asks if Foreclosure Buyers Tempting 'Bad Karma'

'Today' host uses advice segment to question whether homebuyers are tempting fate with 'misfortune' of others.

Times Goes After Obama's "Misleading Attacks" on McCain

Rectifying the paper's pro-Obama tilt, the Times takes Obama to task in a front-page story on his campaign's misleading ads.

Bloomberg Analyst: $700 Billion Bailout Could Balloon to $5 Trillion

Marc Faber Ltd. director calls initial cost estimates a 'drop in the bucket,' says real solution is to bring down overleveraging.

ABC's 2-Day 'Coming Out' Party for Clay Aiken

'Exclusive' interview is a giant puff piece for new self-proclaimed 'gay' father.

AMC Chains Up Hounddog

Theaters refuse to show movie with rape of 9-year-old character, while critics gush over girl's performance.

CNBC: Congressional Republicans 'Hate Wall Street'

Correspondent says conservative resistance to bailout plan is partially over campaign contributions to Democrats.

Cramer Calls for a Global Bailout of AIG, Blames European Banks

CNBC host says Bush needs to 'pass the hat' to other nations to salvage 'fate of the western banks.'
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