6/5/2008 1:38 PM ET
'Evening News' reminds viewers protection from diseases outweighs potential risks from vaccinations.
6/5/2008 1:00 PM ET
An editorial wonders how the next president will "confront global warming and rising fuel prices?" Yet the Senate bill being debated addresses global raising fuel prices.
6/5/2008 1:00 AM ET
ABC's Good Morning America and NPR point the usual finger, while Washington Post provides more balance.
6/5/2008 1:00 AM ET
The press is praising the show's artistic qualities and ignoring the social costs of broadcasting sexually explicit content and promoting sex outside of marriage.
6/4/2008 5:55 PM ET
Network exaggerates 'crisis' by highlighting increase of four drivers running out of gas each day.
6/4/2008 5:54 PM ET
ABC, CBS use Center for Science in the Public Interest's propaganda to scare-monger over food additives.
6/4/2008 4:39 PM ET
'Cap-and-trade' scheme would raise energy prices, cost jobs and reduce each household income by thousands each year.
6/4/2008 4:11 PM ET
Obama-mania gets a second wind as he clinches the Democratic nomination.
6/4/2008 3:08 PM ET
The theatre critic doesn't like the play "Saved": "Why does it often feel like 'Legally Blonde,' only with, like, Jesus freaks?"
6/4/2008 12:53 PM ET
The paper's long history of favoritism towards Obama culminates in his Tuesday clinching of the nomination.