
CBS Lauds Vaccines, Admits 'No Idea of What Actually Causes Autism'

'Evening News' reminds viewers protection from diseases outweighs potential risks from vaccinations.

The Times Shows Wishful Thinking on Global Warming

An editorial wonders how the next president will "confront global warming and rising fuel prices?" Yet the Senate bill being debated addresses global raising fuel prices.

Teen Sex Is Up? Blame Abstinence

ABC's Good Morning America and NPR point the usual finger, while Washington Post provides more balance.

Media Hype CBS Wife-Swapping TV Series Swingtown

The press is praising the show's artistic qualities and ignoring the social costs of broadcasting sexually explicit content and promoting sex outside of marriage.

CBS Plays With Numbers to Create Driving Trend

Network exaggerates 'crisis' by highlighting increase of four drivers running out of gas each day.

Networks Copy Anti-Business Group's Press Release

ABC, CBS use Center for Science in the Public Interest's propaganda to scare-monger over food additives.

Media Pave the Way for Next President to 'Cap' U.S. Energy Use

'Cap-and-trade' scheme would raise energy prices, cost jobs and reduce each household income by thousands each year.

Obama Victory: Millions of Voters from Every Corner Demanding Change

Obama-mania gets a second wind as he clinches the Democratic nomination.

Theatre Critic Dislikes the "Jesus Freaks" in Christian Satire "Saved"

The theatre critic doesn't like the play "Saved": "Why does it often feel like 'Legally Blonde,' only with, like, Jesus freaks?"

Times' Favorite Clinches Democratic Nomination

The paper's long history of favoritism towards Obama culminates in his Tuesday clinching of the nomination.
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