
GOP "Once Marched in Lockstep" with Bush, Now Revolting

Sheryl Gay Stolberg finds Stepford Republicans and a power-hungry president: "...for a president who once had almost absolute control over his own party and a proclivity to employ his power ...

Newsweek Quiz: What Isn't Causing Global Warming?

Relying on the IPCC report and one-sided experts, the magazine lets the Sun off the hook for climate change.

Pew Poll: Press Promotes Progressive Results, Conceals Conservative Results

Stories focus on de-linking of childrearing and marriage, but ignore growing opposition to same-sex marriage.

Pew Poll on Marriage and Parenthood Reflects Narcissism, Cultural Corrosion

Is marriage about fulfilling adults, or is it about raising children?

NBC Fears for Bald Eagle Despite Population Increase

'Nightly News' cites expert who worries that 'new DDT' of urban sprawl will wipe out eagles.

A New Angle in Defense of Illegal Immigration

The Times weeps for the plight of...big business?

Do The Media Think We're All Bigots?

Nets, press depict immigration bill opponents as conservative racists stirred up by talk radio.

NBC, CBS Slam 'Conservative' Court for Race Decision

Networks emphasize Breyer's dissent, not Roberts' opinion.

Libs Long for 'Fairness' Daze

Yesterday's stinging defeat of the immigration bill is sure to be the final goad that will spur the left to try to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.

Grand, Old, and Pitiful

When the Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on children and TV violence on June 26, it was the Democrats taking the entertainment industry to task as socially irresponsible, while ...
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