
Media Use Premarital Sex Study to Attack Abstinence Funding

Isn't rampant premarital sex a reason to expand federal abstinence programs?

CNN Calls for Government Action on Rising Child Care Expenses

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' reporter gives no context for one family's day care costs.

Dangerous Japanese "Right Wingers" vs. North Korean "Leader" Kim Jong-il

"Right-wing" Japanese critics of North Korea insist on making a big deal about that little abduction-of-its-citizens thing. Scary!

The Gospel of Truth? Says Who?

At Christmastime, ''U.S. News and World Report'' Breathes New Life into Old Errors

The Gospel of Truth? Says Who?

At Christmastime, "U.S. News and World Report" Breathes New Life into Old Errors

They Say They Want a Revolution: Privately-Run Public Schools

But major media ignore or downplay some of commission's key recommendations for improved education in America.

Bush's Tax Cuts to Blame for U.S. Economic Problems

If the Times really believe in "saving more" at the federal level, why does it flinch at the very idea of spending cuts?

White House Must "Defend" Not Informing Reporters about Laura Bush's Skin Cancer

Jim Rutenberg: "[Tony] Snow said Mrs. Bush had a right to privacy because she was not a public official, even though she was a public persona and campaigned heavily for Republicans this fall. ...

Media Scrooges: 'Bah, Humbug' To Wall Street's Christmas Bonuses

Contrary to their present Grinchiness, the press were much merrier about this annual ritual in 1999.

The "Populist" Fight for a Minimum Wage?

The "much-delayed increase in the minimum wage" is being pushed by "populists" (not liberals?).
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