
Gettleman: Blame Global Warming for Fighting in Darfur

Jeffrey Gettleman has found an all-purpose bogeyman: "Malaria, one of Africa's leading killers, is spreading to higher altitudes because of rising temperatures. The Sahara is expanding, turning ...

Al Jazeera, Meet the Times' Editorial Page

A bit of Al Jazeera propaganda ("alleged war on terror") sounds strangely familiar.

CNN's Velshi Slams Wal-Mart As Store Everybody 'Loves to Hate'

But reporter left out how voters think the company's practices aren't an issue for politicians to address.

"Staunch Conservative" John Murtha?

More misleading labeling on anti-war hero Rep. Murtha by reporter Carl Hulse.

ABC Highlights Medicare Complaints, Overlooks Retailers' Drug Discounts

'World News' complains of cost, confusion but ignores private sector solutions like Wal-Mart's $4 generic drugs.

Networks Push Government Health Care to Aid Ailing Detroit

All three broadcast news shows lament high health care costs; ABC promotes two liberal Democrats who favor increasing taxpayers' burden.

"Mr. Bush's So-Called War on Terror"

Does the Times truly believe there is one?

CBS Praises Tax-Hiking Democratic Committee 'Sheriff'

Reporter Attkisson ignored how the Rep. Charles Rangel has mostly ridden with a tax-hiking bandits through most of his career.

Electronic Voting: The Catastrophe that Wasn't

After election, media silent on left-wing claims of Diebold-Bush conspiracy.

Painting the Pitiable Prisoners of Abu Ghraib

Roberta Smith on Fernando Botero's "Abu Ghraib" paintings: "The new Boteros hold art and politics in balance, creating the needed buffer to help us face the unbearable and maintain some hope. They ...
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