
Reporter Kate Zernike Helps Kerry Out Again

Zernike somehow misses what everyone in America into politics already knows: Kerry's "flubbed joke" didn't mention Bush at all.

Strong Sales Figures from GM, Ford Go Unnoticed

ABC reports, but CBS and NBC ignore sales increases to discuss hormone treatments.

CBS Likens Softening Housing Market to Great Depression

But economists see a stable housing market gaining value in the coming year.

Then and Now, Media Sing Along to Dems' Election Song: 'No Tax Cuts'

The declining deficit has proven tax cuts don't cause a deficit rise. But the media can't hear that above the Democratic election chorus.

USA Today Pumps Up Inflation Fears, Downplays Strong Wage Growth

But even a liberal pundit quoted in cover story admits middle class better off now than years ago.

Still Spinning for Kerry's "Stuck In Iraq" Gaffe

The Times suggests that attacking Kerry and defending U.S. troops is a bad strategy for Bush.

Barack Obama Only "Sounds Like" a Liberal?

Sen. Obama gets the Hillary Clinton centering treatment.

Richard Berke Bashes Blogs that Criticize the Times

Conventional liberal wisdom reigns at a Times Talks gathering on the Upper West Side, where Assistant Managing Editor Richard Berke gripes about "mean-spirited" blogs that interfere with reporters ...

Spinning Kerry's Insult of U.S. Troops

"Part of Mr. Kerry's outrage may arise from memories of 2004, when a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth raised allegations, never substantiated, that he had exaggerated his wartime exploits."

Tough Times at the Times: Staff Space Gets Pinched

That 39% decline in profits last quarter, coming after a string of bad news quarters and disastrous decline in its stock price, has finally started to hit the New York Times where it lives: in its ...
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