
Stanley's Surprise: Clinton Admin to Blame For Terror Inaction

A normally liberal television reporter takes the Clinton Administration to task for failing to take terrorism seriously: "[Blaming the Bush administration] is like focusing blame for a school ...

The Top Issue in American Life After 9-11: Head Scarves for Muslim Women

The Times gets its priorities straight, leading off a set of features on 9-11 with a story on a Muslim woman's struggle with her headscarf, under the subhead "Religious Bias.

Another Slanted Story on Wal-Mart's "Conservative" Ties

But the figures the Times digs up are shrug-worthy.

CNN's Romans Bashes Economy with Unbalanced Story

Reporter turns to liberal-activist-on-the-street, says it takes 200 years to get into the middle class.

The Latest NY Times/Democratic Talking Point: "Wage Stagnation"

Great minds think alike - and so do Times reporters discussing an allegedly "stagnant" economy.

Trials for Terror Suspects = Bush "Diverting" Voters from Iraq "Morass"

David Sanger's cynicism about Bush's terror war shines through

Times Ignores Own Poll Findings Showing Little Fear of Government Surveillance

Despite the Times' past scare tactics, 76% of respondents were willing "to allow government agencies to monitor the telephone calls and e-mails of Americans that the government is suspicious of.

Where Poverty's Rise Ends, Slanted Coverage Continues

Media ignore or downplay income increases and halt in poverty's rise, insisting worker pay is dropping.

NBC Spins Oil Discovery Negatively

Reporter Savidge focuses on complaints from environmental lobby but leaves out NRDC's anti-drilling bent.

Talking Up Left-Wing Complaints About ABC's 9-11 Miniseries

"...the first major television miniseries about the Sept. 11 attacks was being criticized on Tuesday as biased and inaccurate by bloggers, terrorism experts and a member of the Sept. 11 ...
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