7/16/2013 12:49 PM ET
Racy, lesbian-packed ‘Orange
is the New Black’ delights liberal critics.
7/15/2013 11:26 AM ET
Celebrities continue to promote vaccine-autism link in face of science.
7/15/2013 9:10 AM ET
Three years after Obama push for monitoring health
information, ABC, CBS and NBC skip privacy concerns.
7/12/2013 1:19 PM ET
Wacky feminist site complains about saving child.
7/12/2013 10:39 AM ET
Contributing editor uses outlandish predictions to say ‘Goodbye Miami’ from 24-foot storm surge.
7/11/2013 2:31 PM ET
New film hails gay marriage as modern “American revolution”
7/10/2013 2:21 PM ET
Gardasil vaccine prevents STD infection, but correlates with
7/10/2013 1:55 PM ET
Josh Fox’s follow up retreads old claims, but adds new level of spin.
7/9/2013 2:11 PM ET
WaPo buries lead in report on Arab network.
7/9/2013 1:47 PM ET
Popular sci-fi writer’s new movie to be blacklisted by LGBT