
Media Research Center

Today Anchor to Paul’s Wife: Did you Teach Rand How to Talk to Women Better?

Bruised flowers at NBC want Kelley Paul to make Rand play nice.
Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Harris-Perry: Abortion a ‘Basic Core Skill’ for Med Students

Host wants med students to learn abortion.
Media Research Center

5 Absurd ‘Equal Pay’ Comments in Time for Bogus Holiday

Left marks Equal Pay Day on April 14, in spite of debunked statistics.
Media Research Center

Gay Penguin Children’s Book on Fishy American Library Association Banned List

The ALA’s got its own, left-wing agenda.
Media Research Center

NYT Editorial Board Defends ‘Dismemberment Abortion’ Under ‘Legislative Assault’

Still mourning partial-birth abortion bans, Gray Lady defends barbaric procedure.
Media Research Center

DNC Chair OK with Aborting 7-lb Babies; Nets Silent

Wasserman-Schultz gets a pass on her extremism.
Media Research Center

Obamacare Penalty Starts Hitting Taxpayers, Nets Ignore in 91% of Stories

Millions of Americans could face tax penalties, but could be surprised since broadcast media barely mentioned it. 
Media Research Center

U of Michigan Cancels 'American Sniper' Showing After Muslim Students Complain

School ignored counter-petition by students who wanted the film shown.
Media Research Center

Politico Smears Conservative Group Opposed to New FCC Regulations

American Commitment says its 1.6 million comments were legitimate and can prove a vendor was responsible for technical error.
Media Research Center

A Thoughtful Take on RFRA from Hollywood? ‘The Good Wife’ Does it

CBS drama touches hot-button issues once again.
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