
Times Asks Readers If They Think It Has a Liberal Bias

A NYT online survey gives hints at what executives at the paper are worried about.

'Evening News' Declares Imminent Death of Suburbia

Segment repeats 15-year-old claims by doom-and-gloom author who wrongly predicted Dow crash, Y2K disasters.

Olbermann, Post Columnist Mock GOP House Energy Protest

MSNBC host and guest dismiss possibility that challenge to congressional inaction could impact oil prices.

ABC Article Glamorizes Media Villains, Ignores Price to Society

ABC's Sona Charaipotra hails villains in entertainment as more exciting, interesting, and more real, but ignores the damage Hollywood's obsession with evil can do to children.

NBC Drops the Ball on Teen Sex

The followup special for The Baby Borrowers fails to tackle tough subjects in discussions of teen sexuality and pregnancy.

Post Writer Says 'Gay Plague' Is Fault of 'Homophobia'

Is lung cancer the fault of tobaccophobes?

New York Times Bemoans Killer's Execution

In its zeal to oppose capital punishment, the Gray Lady suggests Texas should bow to 'international law.'

CBS Morning Show Links Foreclosures to West Nile Virus

'Early Show' says abandoned homes with neglected pools may be 'breeding ground' for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

MSNBC Host Says McCain Joke 'Perpetuates' Energy Problems

Witt defends Obama's exaggeration on saving gas, encourages McCain to 'leave it alone.'

NYT Can't Wait: "Deadly U.S. Milestone" of 500 Deaths in Afghanistan

The Times applies the same "grim milestone" template to the 500 deaths in Afghanistan that it does to every 1,000 deaths in Iraq.
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