
Judges Favor the Profane

In effect, the court said that because the Enforcement Bureau of the FCC has been a steady, ongoing farce of decency protection for thirty years, it must always and forever remain a joke.

NYT: More Photos of Dead Soldiers, Please

The media actually cites the restrictions on photos of dead soldiers as an excuse for the decline in its Iraq coverage. But is this just an anti-war position packaged as a press freedom issue?

Pelosi Dodges Drilling Question; Blames Bush for Economic Downturn

'Today' co-host Meredith Vieira doesn't press House Speaker about blocking vote on offshore oil drilling.

Elisabeth Bumiller, Queen of the "Neo-Conservative" Label

Bumiller puts John McCain on the defensive in a foreign policy clash of wills, with "pragmatists" and realists on one side and "conservatives" and "neoconservatives" on the other.

"Grumpy," Gaffe-Prone McCain vs. Obama's "Tone Poems" in Berlin

"On Thursday evening in a glittering Berlin, cheered by as many as 200,000 people, Mr. Obama delivered a tone poem to American and European ideals and shared history. In contrast, just before he ...

ABC Sensationalizes Qantas Incident

'Good Morning America' reports plane 'instantly plummeted' and passengers had 'no idea what was happening.'

ABC's The View Plays Kissyface with Katy Perry

The ladies ask some hard questions of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but gush over the lesbian-experimenting pop star.

Living and Dying with Character and Integrity

Professor Randy Pausch, whose 'Last Lecture' made him a YouTube phenomenon loses his battle with cancer.

M.I.T. Scientists: Warming Will Actually Reduce Number of Hurricanes

American Meteorological Society report contradicts claim tropical activity increases due to climate change.

CNN Omits Democrats' Efforts to Prevent Drilling Vote

'American Morning' call Democrat majority's refusal to have an up-or-down vote on offshore drilling a 'partisan standoff.'
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