
Pushing Immigration "Reform" With More Odd Concern for Agri-Business

Immigration concerns lead to dead trees: "Scores of Jim Bittner's cherry trees are now just heaps of roots and sticks, piled in his fields here along Route 18. Some of the branches lying on the ...

Bad Economy Causing Spike in Spam Sales, Reports 'Nightly News'

Anchor Brian Williams calls lunch meat product 'a huge economic indicator' although Hormel attributes profit increase to a variety of factors.

Media Black Out Discussion of California Same-Sex 'Marriage' Implications

The First Amendment is in jeopardy. Why isn't the press rushing to its defense?

Another Cost of Celebrity Obsession

Should we restrict the paparazzi or curb the appetite for celebrity Mcnews?

Reporter John Schwartz Lets His Liberal Flag Fly Defending Obama

John Schwartz: "Maybe the problem is that the debates, for all the interest, aren't telling us much. Here's a modest proposal: change the format to game shows. 'But that would cheapen political ...

TV Critic Thinks Nazism Just "Extreme Capitalism"

Huh? "As 'Lost' bloggers have noted, the publicist, Karen Decker, shares her surname with a Nazi propagandist, Will Decker. It is one of the show's many pleasures that it revels in such ...

ABC Uses Weird Non-Customer Example to Attack Credit Card Companies

'Good Morning America' claims arbitration unfair by featuring rare case from activist group's report.

CNN 'Conservationist' a Liberal Blogger and Carbon Credit Trader

'American Morning' segment on global warming warns 'gathering storm on the horizon' will have a $1.87 trillion price tag by 2100.

Kirk Cameron's Faith Embraced on The View

Evangelical Christianity is okay when it's proclaimed by a heartthrob.

LA Times Writer Whacks Columnist for 'Shivving' Sebelius Over Abortion

Media critic Tim Rutten attacks Robert Novak for using guilt by association against the Kansas governor, then plays the same card against Novak.
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