"His record has been a mix of great social achievements, but a dismal economic performance that has mired most Cubans in poverty. He succeeded in establishing universal health care, providing free ...
Clark Hoyt on an alarmist front-page report on mercury in sushi: "I thought the package was less balanced than it should have been, given the state of existing research."
DCJ: "Chait twists words I use to describe the shared values of those Democrats and Republicans who favor people over corporations to make them appear as my views, not a description of theirs." ...
Henry Alford gushed that "the diversity and intellectual accomplishments of the 460 were fairly staggering." Plus: disagraced anti-Bush CBS news producer Mary Mapes cracks jokes while killjoy ...
Following the Valentine's Day shootings at NIU, the network tom-toms pounded out the familiar anti-Second Amendment beat – even taking whacks at Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.