
CBS Plugs Radical Leftist Group's Plea for Housing Assistance

Reporter warns if foreclosed borrowers 'don't get some help, it will be the rest of the economy that needs it.'

Times Watch's Waters Appears on Fox & Friends to Discuss Ad

Times Watch director Clay Waters appeared on Fox & Friends Friday morning to discuss the New York Times offering cut-rate ad space to to bash General Petraeus as a betrayer of his country.

Rutgers Fans' Abuse of Navy Players Elicits Media Yawn

Journalists leaped to the defense of the Rutgers women's basketball players, but Navy men's football players seem to be fair game.

Kathy Griffin's Unfunny Jesus Joke

Comedienne crosses the line by mocking Christ while accepting an Emmy award.

Life Expectancy Increasing or Decreasing, Depending on What Day It Is

ABC 'World News' reports Americans living longer, but May 2006 report cited study warning of declining life expectancy.

Deeply Discounted "Petraeus - Betray Us" Ad Cited Times Reporting - Wrongly

Who's vetting left-wing ads at the Times? The notorious ad inaccurately cited the paper's own reporting when it called Gen. David Petraeus a liar.

Fretting Over Potential Attorney General & "Starkly Partisan" Ted Olson

The Times ignores Olson's legal qualifications in favor of how his nomination as Attorney General might offend Democrats.

Media Ignore Judge's Liberal Background in State Emissions Regulation Ruling

Clinton-appointed federal judge in Vermont ruled states have the authority to dictate greenhouse-gas emissions standards to fight 'the phenomenon of global warming.'

Hillary Victim of her Campaign Aides in Hsu Case?

"Mrs. Clinton told aides this year to vet major donors carefully....Yet nine months into her campaign, Mrs. Clinton is grappling with exactly the situation she feared..."
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