
Showing Cuddly Animals, Cuddling Animal Rights Activists

The Times helps animal-rights groups into the mainstream. And bonus stupidity from actress Cameron Diaz.

CNN's Velshi Misstates Exxon Earnings

'American Morning' team complains the oil company is doing better than the S&P average.

The "Obesity Epidemic" - Poor, Minorities Hardest Hit

The Times goes English-only? A business reporter bashes McDonald's for advertising its new giant soft drink in several languages.

Reagan's Specter Vision

Arlen Specter shouldn't be sitting in judgment of great judges like Bork, Roberts and Alito. With his history of liberalism and betrayal of Republicans, the GOP shouldn't have rewarded him with ...

Thou Shalt Tax Every Sin

Taxation is media solution to funding its preferred causes and punishing 'wrong' behavior like smoking, eating junk food and spewing carbon.

NBC: 'Green' Vehicles the Key to Detroit's Rebirth

'Nightly News' makes the case an enviro-friendly business plan could be exactly what auto manufacturers need.

Editor Bill Keller Defends His Paper's Shoddy Duke Rape Hoax Coverage

Executive Editor Bill Keller says criticism of his paper's coverage of the Duke lacrosse case has "in some instances been unfair to the point of hysteria." But former Public Editor Daniel Okrent ...

CNN's Velshi: 'We've been underpaying minimum wage earners for too long'

'American Morning' business reporter gets math right, but goes left with his politics.

Big Media Ignores Pew Poll's Good News in War on Terror

Support for bin Laden and suicide bombings is waning in the Muslim world, but the mainstream media fail to tell the story.

CBS Ambushes the Second Amendment

Network calls for more gun control and federal spending, but not moral reform, to curb inner city violence.
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