
ABC Portrays For-Profit Colleges as Schoolyard Bullies

'Nightline' follows government marching orders and attacks for-profits, never question inflating public university subsidies

ABC Offers Serious Look at Global Warming Skeptics, But Downplays ClimateGate

ABC's Nightline on Thursday provided a welcome look at the significant number of meteorologists in America who are skeptical of man-made global warming. Instead of simply dismissing their views, ...

ABC Highlights Frum's Charge Fox News and Selfish Limbaugh to Blame for Health Defeat

Re President Obama's health bill win, ABC's Terry Moran elevated the view of "prominent conservative" David Frum, author of Newsweek's "Why Rush is Wrong" cover story, who blamed Rush Limbaugh and ...

Companies Donate $83 Million to Haiti, Get Less Than Three Minutes of Coverage

ABC, CBS and NBC briefly mention corporate donations in wall-to-wall Haiti reporting.

ABC's Brian Ross Hyperventilates Over 'Secret Bible Codes' on Military Guns

Nightline's Brian Ross on Monday filed a hyperbolic report on "secret Jesus codes" that are on the sights of rifles used by the U.S. military in Afghanistan. Ross featured two voices highly ...

ABC's Martin Bashir Attacks 'Brutal Regime' of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Assails 'Racial Profiling'

On Monday's Nightline, co-host Martin Bashir conducted a one-sided, hostile profile of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's "brutal regime" and attacked his crackdown on illegal immigration as "racial profiling." ...

For ABC, Adultery is Bad but Christian Arguments Against it are 'Intolerant'

'Nightline' anchor Cynthia McFadden mocks faith-based arguments, accepts secular arguments as fact.

Media Embrace Millionaire Moore's Vendetta against Capitalism

Like 'Sicko,' journalists gush over 'provocative' anti-Wall Street flick, leave out filmmaker's critics.

ABC's Terry Moran Hyperventilates: The Ghost of Ted Kennedy Appeared in Congress

ABC's Terry Moran on Wednesday hyperbolically spun Barack Obama's congressional speech as a "bold call to action" and theatrically visualized, "There was another ghost in the chamber tonight, the ...

ABC Glamorizes the 'Financial Terrorist' on a 'Crusade to 'Restore the American Dream'

Nightline correspondent Vicki Mabrey profiled self-described "financial terrorist" Bruce Marks on Friday, painting his actions in a religious light as a "revival of spirits" and "hopes." Co-host ...
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