
MSNBC's Brewer: GOP Should Move 'Away from Morals and Values'

On Monday, MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer offered some advice to Republicans: "Until they change policies ' I mean, that's what it took for conservatives in Great Britain to win ' is a real change ...

NYT Warns GOP: Don't Challenge Obama's Supreme Court Pick

Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney plays the ethnicity card, suggesting Republicans would be wise to let Judge Sonia Sotomayor be confirmed without putting up a fight or risk "doom[ing] ...

ABC Channels Those Who See GOP as Limbaugh-Cheney 'Freak Show'

"The problem for Republicans right now is the party doesn't seem big enough for conservatives like [Rush] Limbaugh and moderates like Colin Powell and Senator Arlen Specter," ABC's Jonathan Karl ...

CNN Panel Pushes Republicans to Say Cheney Should 'Just Shut Up'

Three CNN personalities and one regular commentator on Monday's No Bias, No Bull program all tried to get Republicans Bay Buchanan and Kevin Madden to disown former Vice President Dick Cheney, and ...

Helpful Advice from the NYT to the New, Smaller GOP

After Sen. Specter's defection, the Times gives some no-doubt well-meant advice to the GOP: Avoid "ideological purity" and show more "flexibility" on both social and economic issues, or risk ...

Splitting the GOP, One Label-Heavy Front-Page Story at a Time

Today's story marks the second front-page story in six days on the ideological split between the Republican Congress and Republican governors over Obama's "stimulus package."

Alter Dismisses Notion GOP Stimulus Opposition is Principled, Blames Politics

Newsweek's senior editor tells MSNBC host Olbermann Republicans are 'betting on' the stimulus failing.

Labeling Overload in Miami

Michael Cooper overdoses on "conservative" labels in a snide report from the Republican Governors Association meeting in Miami

Character the Most Important Issue in the Presidential Primary Debates: Executive Summary

Reporters threw more softballs to Democrats overall but more hardballs at Democrats on honesty
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