
The Medias Top 10 Economic Myths of 2006

Compiled by the Business & Media Institute

Stick a Fork in Him, Bush Is Done

Mark Leibovich on Bush's news conference: "Yet for someone whose presidency had just been repudiated...."

Why the Times Didn't Endorse a Single Republican Candidate This Year

"For us, the breaking point came over the Republicans' attempt to undermine the fundamental checks and balances that have safeguarded American democracy since its inception."

Nobody Runs Against Hollywood

"Moderate Republicans" As "Endangered Species"

But what about the "moderate Democrats" overwhelmed by liberals in their party?

Media: Treats for Liberals, Tricks for GOP

Seven Days Before Election, TV Networks Give Good Press to Democrats, Smack GOP With Bad Press

'Bad News Bears'

How Networks Distort a Good Economy and Batter President Bush

GOP Only "Fashions Itself" as the Party of Lincoln?

Mark Leibovich: "Even though the G.O.P. fashions itself as 'the party of Lincoln' and a promoter of tolerance, it is perceived as hostile by many gay men and lesbians."

Left-Wing Times Staffers Go Wild on Campus

Linda Greenhouse at Harvard on the "sustained assault on women's reproductive freedom."

G.O.P. Chances of Keeping Control "Undermined" by Foley

"....a controversy that seems to have undermined its chances of keeping control of Congress on Election Day."
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