MRC Business

Movie Review: 'Wall Street' Sequel Attacks Debt, 'Cancer' of the Financial System

Weaker than the original, Wall Street argues 'mother of all evil is speculation.'

Fabrication: Newsweek Makes Up Ground Zero Election Day Tea Party Rally

Magazine's contributor erroneously reports former U.N. ambassador John Bolton organizing Tea Party event near World Trade Center site to promote presidential run.

ABC's Diane Sawyer Gets Cozy with Left-Wing Huffington Post

'World News' anchor praises Arianna Huffington's book 'Third World America' and reaches out to the left-wing audience of the Huffington Post.

CEOs Having 'Buyer's Remorse' Over Obama

Investor's Business Daily website says 'more CEOs seeing Obama as bad hire.'

A Lighthearted Look at Ideology vs. Reality

Real economics makes monkeys of Obama's assumptions.

Misread and Misreported: Tea Party Activism Bullish for Economy

After nearly two years of Obamanomics and liberal incompetence, the markets are enjoying their tea.

Left Calls in the Cavalry, but Forgets They are the Bad Guys

Media respond to Obama's call for 'soldiers' with more bashing of tea parties.

Disgraced Governor-Turned CNN Host Spitzer Credits Liberals for Health Insurance Across State Lines Initiative

In the face of contrary facts, former New York politician attacks GOP for not allowing interstate commerce provision in ObamaCare legislation.

Cramer Credits CNBC-Obama Infomercial for 146-Point Dow Jones Rally

'Mad Money' host says president himself didn't cause stock market jump, but increase occurred because Obama didn't use network platform to wage class warfare.

Santelli 'Very Happy' to Have Been Tea Party 'Spark'

HuffPo notes newspaper interview in which CNBC reporter calls his famous tea party rant 'best five minutes of my life.'
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