MRC Business

Santelli Blames Fin-Reg Vote for Dow Drop: 'What Are They Doing in Washington?'

CNBC CME reporter says not all of the market travails can be blamed on trouble in Europe.

New Yorker Cover Tries to Revive Climate Alarmists' Fortunes

Issue is released on same day as unreported Heartland Institute International Conference on Climate Change.

Media Favor Regulation, Barely Notice Failures of Regulators

From the government's 'cozy' relationship with BP, to the SEC's failure to catch Madoff; networks attack businesses, but not regulators for mistakes.

Networks Swallow Whole a Study Linking Crop Pesticides to ADHD

ABC, NBC, and CBS dwell on shielding children but only show five seconds of industry response.

Leading Global Warming Skeptic Lindzen: Time to Abandon the 'Skeptic' Label

M.I.T. professor says 'skepticism' implies anthropogenic global warming theory a 'plausible proposition.'

Liberal Bomb Thrower: Rep. Michele Bachmann a 'Phony-Ass Broad,' 'Skank'

Talk radio host Mike Malloy unloads misogynistic attack on Minn. congresswoman for take $30,000 in funding from government.

British Journalist and ClimateGate Vanguard: Global Warming Debate as 'Important' as Winning World Wars

U.K. Telegraph journalist credited for coining the term 'ClimateGate' maintains manmade warming debate a fight for 'liberty.'

Scientist: Global Cooling is the Real Crisis

Global warming conference participant says reduced sunspot activity may cause extreme cold fatalities, mass starvation.

BMI Video: Taking Lessons from Washington

GM Claims 'We Have Repaid Our Government Loan.'
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