MRC Business

MSNBC Contributor Equates State Lawsuits Against ObamaCare to Causes of the Civil War

Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell suggests the Civil War settled federal government's right to dictate health insurance policy was settled by .

Rep. Maxine Waters Calls Protesters 'Teabaggers'

California congresswoman claims their side overcame tea party movement efforts to derail health care reform legislation.

The Economist Ditches Reality and Advocates Climate Change -- No Matter What Numbers Say

Magazine tosses aside facts and calls for action against global warming.

Krauthammer Predicts European-Style VAT Tax

Syndicated columnist points to Deficit Reduction Commission as impetus national sales tax that will fund ObamaCare.

CNN Recites Party-Line of the Fed's Student-Loan Take-over, Neglects Consequences

The government's direct loan program is already rife with waste and inefficiencies. But CNN viewers wouldn't know it.

Al Sharpton: 'The American Public Overwhelmingly Voted for Socialism When They Elected President Obama'

Racial amulance chaser tells Fox News that if health care reform is 'socialism,' that's what voters wanted.

ObamaCare Opponents 'Probably Can't Spell Communism and Socialism' Says CNN's Roland Martin

Network's political analyst takes cheap shot at critics who claim Democratic health care reform measures are not free-market approaches.

MSNBC Lets Dem's False 45,000 'Uninsurance Deaths' Go Unchallenged

Rep. Nadler says 'A No Vote is a Vote to Kill 45,000 American a Year.' Alex Witt goes along.

Stop the Presses! Time Magazine Says Private Enterprise is 'Job-Creation Machine'

Barbara Kiviat's new cover story credits the private sector for creating jobs, says government only helps in short term.
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